الدكتور عمر عثمان مصطفى عثمان الأغا (أبو عثمان)
الدكتور عمر عثمان مصطفى عثمان مصطفى عبدالرحمن يوسف عثمان جاسر حسين عثمان إبراهيم الأغا
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البريد الالكتروني
الفيس بوك
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العنوان بالتفصيل
وكيل كلية الهندسة للجودة والتخطيط الاستراتيجي وعضو هيئة التدريس في قسم الهندسة البيئية
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middle east technical university
المعلومات الشخصية
تاريخ الميلاد
1 عاماً 1 شهراً 1 يوماً
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أسماء الشقيقات والأخوات
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اسم الشقيقة [ 2 ]
اسم الشقيقة [ 3 ]
معلومات اضافية
Ömer AĞA, Assoc. Prof.
King Faisal University-Dammam
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Environmental Engineering
E-mail: oaga@kfu.edu.sa
Phone: 0506616532
- PhD, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Engineering -2000, Ankara, Turkey
- MS, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Engineering -1996, Ankara, Turkey
- BS, Cairo University, Chemistry- 1989, Cairo, EGYPT
Academic & management Experience
- Associate Prof., KFU, Dammam, August 2009.
- Member of Research Institute Committee, Fatih University, May. 2008
- Member of Projects Evaluation Committee, Fatih University, Oct. 2008- Oct. 2009
- Acting Chairperson, Sep. 2008- Sep. 2009
- Associate Prof., Fatih University, Jun. 2008- Jun. 2009
- Conference Scientific committee, ‘University Öğrencileri III. Çevre Sorunları Kongresi ÇESKO 2008 Bilim Kurulu’, Fatih University, May. 2008- Jun. 2009
- Vice Chairperson, Fatih University, Sep. 2007- Sep. 2008
- Graduation Projectcts Coordinator, Fatih University, Sep. 2007- Sep. 2009
- MSc program coordinator Stuttgart University, Oct. 2006- Oct. 2007
- Conference scientific committee member 1st international conference on air pollution and combustion, Jun. 2005- Jun. 2005
- Socrates/Erasmus Coordinator, Fatih University, Aug. 2004- Aug. 2009
- Foreign Students Coordinator, Fatih University, Sep. 2003- Sep. 2009
- Environmental Chemistry lab Manager, Fatih University, Dec. 2001- Dec. 2009
- Air Pollution Control lab manager, Fatih University, Sep. 2001- Sep. 2009
- Assistant Prof, Fatih University, Aug. 2001- Dec. 2008
- Post Doctoral Research Middle East Technical University, Sep. 2000- Aug. 2001
- Student Assistant Middle East Technical University, Sep. 1996- Sep. 2000
Research Interests
- Municipal Waste and Solid Waste Management, Hazardous waste, Landfill design.
- Ambient and indoor air pollution measurement and its control (gas and particulate. Environmental Analytical Methods applications Combustion gases measurement and control. Toxic metal pollution and control.
- Modeling of long range transport receptor modeling, Chemical Mass Balance. Environmental Statistical Analysis.
- Water pollution, chemical treatment and reuse. Soil and sediments pollution and remediation.
Teaching Interests
- Solid waste management, Environmental Impact assessment, Air pollution and control. Atmospheric Chemistry. Environmental Analytical Chemistry. VOC, PAH in the atmosphere. Rainwater chemistry. Soil and sediment metal and source contribution analysis. Statistical applications and data analysis.
Research Projectcts
- Medical waste incineration bottom ash metal investigation, University Research Project -, Jun 2009-Jun 2010, Researcher, Amount: 8 000 YTL
- Waste water treatment plant automation, University Research Project -, Jun 2007-Jun 2008, Research Amount: 21 000 YTL The Effects of Land Use Changes on Water Quality of Küçükçekmece Lake Watershed by Using GIS and Remote Sensing, University Research Project -, Nov 2005-Nov 2006, Yardımcı Investigator Amount: 1.750 Euro
- Investigation of Airborne Biological Pollutants in Indoor Environment, University Research Project , Jul 2009-Jul 2010, Main Investigator Amount: 14800
- Avrupa Birliği Müktesebatına Uygun Ozon İzlemesi (8 Saatlik) İçin Pasif Örnekleyici Geliştirilmesi, University Research Project , Jan 2009-Jan 2010, Research cı Amount: 6250 TL
- İstanbul için yaz dönemi yer seviyesi ozon haritasının pasif örnekleme yöntemiyle çıkarılması, sağlık etkilerinin araştırılması, University Research Project , Jun 2008-Jun 2010, Research cı Amount: 10000
- PM2.5 ve PM10 partiküllerinin kaynak paylaşımının yapılması, ozon derişimlerinin ölçülmesi ve partikül derişimleri ve ormanlara olası etkileri ile ilişkilendirilmesi ; ÇAYDAG 108Y089, TUBITAK, Apr 2008-Apr 2010, Research cı Amount: 200 000 YTL
- İstanbul’daki trafik kaynaklı solunabilen askıda parçacık maddelerin araştırılması, İBB, Apr 2008-Feb 2009, Yardımcı Investigator Amount: 7500
- Yerel Ve Uzun Taşinimin Yağiş Kimyasi Üzerindeki Etkileşiminin Yağmur Örneklerinin Ardişik Numune Metoduyla Toplanarak Çevre Sağliği Konusu Kapsaminda İncelenmesi; ÇAYDAG 108Y062 , TUBITAK, Mar 2008-Mar 2010, MainInvestigator Amount: 140 000 YTL
- ELEKTRONİK KONTROLLÜ TAM OTOMATİK ARDIŞIK YAĞMUR ÖRNEKLEYİCİ GELİŞTİRİLMESİ , University Research Project , Feb 2008-Feb 2009, MainInvestigator Amount: 4950
- Investigation of traffic related inhalable particulate matter in İstanbul, University Research Project , Nov 2006-Oct 2008, MainInvestigator Amount: 7000 YTL
- Zonguldak İli Hava Kalitesinin İncelenmesi: Hava Kaynaklı Aerosollerin PM2.5 ve PM10 Boyut Dağılımında İncelenmesi ve Bölge Halk Sağlılığına Olan Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi, TUBITAK-, Dec 2004-Dec 2006, Research cı Amount: 24 000 YTL PROJECT NO. 104Y022
- Chemstab Consulting, Tatlici Inssat ve Ticaret A S-, May 2003-Aug 2003, Research cı Amount: 750 000 000
- Büyükçekmece bölgesinde toplanan ince ve kaba partiküllerin metal derişimlerinin belirlenmesi, ÇNAEM, Jan 2003-Jan 2005, Main Investigator Amount: Trace metal analysis 10000YTL
- The Evaluation of Air Quality over Büyük Çekmece Lake-Istanbul, University Research Project -, Dec 2001-Dec 2004, Main Investigator Amount: 2000$
Awards and Honours
- Fees waver , Middle East Technical University, 01/09/1996
- Recipient of doctoral outstanding award, Arab Student Aid International (ASAI), 01/12/1996
- 12 INEPO Environmental Projectct olympiad juri member, Fatih College Istanbul, 01/04/2004
- top 5 in SCI journal publication , Rector of Fatih University, 08/06/2004
- I13 NEPO Environmental Projectct olympiad juri chairman, Fatih College Istanbul, 01/04/2005
- 1st SCI publication outstanding in Eng Faculty, Rector, 17/06/2006
- 15 INEPO Environmental Projectct olympiad juri member, Fatih College Istanbul, 01/04/2007
- 12 INEPO Environmental Projectct olympiad juri member, Fatih College Istanbul, 29/03/2008
- Stratejik Plan Hazırlama Eğitimi, Fatih University, 13/05/2008
- 17 INEPO Environmental Projectct olympiad juri member, Fatih College , 14/03/2009
Selected Publications
(The Publications appears in SCI, SCI Exp.,SSCI and AHCI are shown with *)
Academics Journals
- * Bertan Basak; Omar Alagha, "Trace metals solubility in rainwater: evaluation of rainwater quality at a watershed area, Istanbul", Environ Monit Assess, Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 2009, pp. 1
- * Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, "Relation of earth probe TOMS/AI data and ground level measured atmospheric aerosols over Marmara region", International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. Vol. 36, No. No. 1/2/3, Jan. 2009, pp. pp. 195-203
- * Sami GÖREN, Omar ALAGHA, "Soil Treatment with Lignin Sulphide Chemical Stabilizer: Environmental and Structural Assessment", JOURNAL OF RESIDUALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 5, No. 4, Dec. 2008, pp. 189
- * Atakan Kurt, Betul Gulbagci, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, "An Online Air Pollution Forecasting System Using Neural Networks", Environment International, Vol. 34, No. 5, Jun. 2008, pp. 592-598
- * Lokman Hakan TECER, Omar ALAGHA, Ferhat KARACA, Gürdal TUNCEL, Pınar SÜREN, "Effect of Meteorological Parameters on PM2.5 AND PM10 Mass Concentration in Coal Mining Area, Zonguldak- Turkey", ournal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA), Vol. 58, No. 4, Jun. 2008, pp. 543-552
- * Lokman H. Tecer , Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Gürdal Tuncel, Pınar Süren, "Source contributions to metallic compositions of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in the southern Black Sea atmosphere", Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA, Vol. under revi, No. 1, Jun. 2008, pp. 1
- * Ferhat Karaca , Omar Alagha, Ferruh Ertürk, Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, Türkan Özkara, "Seasonal variation of source contributions to atmospheric fine and coarse particles", Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 25, No. 5, Jun. 2008, pp. 767-781
- * Lokman H. Tecer , Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Gürdal Tuncel, Pınar Süren, "Particulate matter (PM2.5 PM10-2.5and PM10) and children’s hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory diseases: A bidirectional case-crossover study", Journal of Toxicology Environmental Health, Vol. 71, Mar. 2008, pp. 512–520
- * Ozan D Yay, Omar Alagha and Gurdal Tuncel, "Statistical methods to evaluate metal pollution in surface soil ", Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. published, No. 86, Feb. 2008, pp. 581–594
- * Ferhat Karaca, ,Omar Alagha, Ferruh Ertürk, "Traffic related atmospheric lead concentrations and temporal variations over a suburban site of Istanbul (Turkey)", international Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Vol. accepted, No. 1, Sep. 2007, pp. 1
- * Karaca, F., A. Nikov and O. Alagha, "NN-AirPol: a neural-networks-based method for air pollution evevaluation and control, International Journal of Environment and Pollution", International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 28, No. 3/4, Oct. 2006, pp. 310
- Ferhat Karaca , Omar Alagha, Eylem Elçi, Ferruh Ertürk, Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, Türkan Özkara, "Büyükçekmece Gölü Havzasında Havanın PM2.5 ve PM2.5-10 Gruplarında Krom Derişimleri"", Ekoloji, Vol. 15, No. 61, Oct. 2006, pp. 1-6
- * Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Ferruh Ertürk, Y.Ziya Yılmaz, Türkan Özkara, "The Evaluation of Atmospheric Lead Concentration over Marmara Region ", chemosphere, Vol. submitted, No. 1, Jan. 2006, pp. 1
- * F Karaca, O Alagha, F Ertürk, "Application of inductive learning: Air pollution forcast in Istanbul Turkey", Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing , Vol. 11, No. 4, Oct. 2005, pp. 216
- * Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha , Ferruh Ertürk, , "Statistical characterization of atmospheric PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at a non-impacted suburban site of Istanbul, Turkey ", Chemosphere, Vol. 59, No. 8, May. 2005, pp. 1183
- * Bertan BAŞAK, Omar ALAGHA, "THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF RAINWATER OVER BÜYÜKÇEKMECE LAKE, İSTANBUL", Atmospheric Research, Vol. 4, No. 71, Oct. 2004, pp. 275-288
- * Nilgun Guvenc , Omar ALAGHA and Gurdal Tuncel, "Investigation of soil multi-element composition in Antalya, Turkey", Environment International, Vol. 1055, Feb. 2003, pp. 1-10
- * omar alagha and gurdal tuncel, "evaluation of air quality over black sea major ionic composition of rainwater", water air and soil pollution, Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 2003, pp. 1-10
- * Alusine Samura, Omar Al-Agha, Semra G. Tuncel , "Study of Trace and Heavy Metals in Rural and Urban Aerosols of Uludağ and Bursa (Turkey) ", Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Vol. 3, No. 5, Jan. 2003, pp. 109
- * Omar EL-AGHA, Inci G Gokmen, "Smoking habits and cadmium intake in Turkey", Biological Trace Element Research, Vol. 88, No. 1, Jul. 2002, pp. 31-43
- Omar EL-AGHA, Gudral Tuncel and Suat Tusun , "Air Quality of the Black Sea Region: Local and Long RangeTransported Pollutants ", Eurasian ChemTech Journal, , Vol. 3, No. 4, Dec. 2001, pp. 273- 279
- * R. Sinem Atgin, Omar EL-AGHA, Abdullah Zararsiz, Ahmet Kocatas, Hatice Parlak,Gurdal Tuncel, "Investigation of the sediments of Izmir Bay: trace elements", Spectra Chemica Acta B, , Vol. 55, Jul. 2000, pp. 1151-1164.
- Ferhat Karaca, Sami Gören, Omar Alagha, "Bir Derleme Çalışması: İç Ortam Hava Kalitesinin Müzeler Ve Tarihi Bina Envanterinde Bulunan Eserlere Etkilerinin Araştırılması, Risk Değerlendirmesi Ve Uygun Kontrol Sistemlerinin Önerilmesi", İÇ HAVA KALİTESİ SEMPOZYUMU, İzmir/Türkiye, May. 2009, TESKON 2009, IX, 1,pp. 599-608
- Atakan Kurt, Ayşe Betük Gülbağcı, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, "Arificial Neural Networks based modelling of CO: Effects of spatial parameters", ITEE 2009, Thessaloniki/Greece, May. 2009, Proceedings of the 4th Internatioanal ICSC symposium, pp. 345-356
- Ferhat Karaca, İsmail Anıl, Omar Alagha, Fatih Camcı, "Traffic related PM predictor for Istanbul, Turkey", ITEE 2009, Thessaloniki/Greece, May. 2009, Proceedings of the 4th Internatioanal ICSC symposium, pp. 317-330
- İsmail Anıl, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Levent Kuzu, Ferruh Ertürk, "PM_bilir: trafik kaynaklı saatlik PM2.5 ve PM10 tahmin modeli", Kent yönetimi, insan ve çevre sorunları 08 Sempozyumu, İstanbul/Türkiye, Nov. 2008, Sempozyum bildiri kitapı, 1, 1,pp. 665-672
- İsmail Anıl, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Gülcan Zindan, Feyza Özdemir , "Atmosferik Tozların Su Muhtevasının İncelenmesi: İstanbulun Yarı Kentsel Bir Bölgesinin Yaz Dönemi Değerlendirmesi", Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Ulusal Sempozyumu, Hatay/Türkiye, Oct. 2008, Sempozyum bildiri kitapı, 1, 1,pp. 42-49
- Omar Alagha, Ferhat Karaca, Nihan Uygur , "Büyükçekmece Bölgesinde Toplanan Yağmur Numunelerinin Ağır Metal Muhtevası ve Kirletici Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi ", Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Ulusal Sempozyumu, Hatay/Türkiye, Hatay, Oct. 2008, Sempozyum bildiri kitapı, 1, 1,pp. 19-28
- Lokman H. Tecer , Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Gürdal Tuncel, Pınar Süren, "A bidirectional case- crossover study: Fine and coarse particulate matter and childrens hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory diseases", International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Oct. 2008, Proceedings book,
- Ferhat KARACA, Ayşe Betül Oktay, Atakan KURT, Omar ALAGHA, İsmail ANIL, Nihan UYGUR, Zeynep ÖZTÜRK,, "KENT HAVA KALİTESİ YÖNETİMİNDE MODELLEME YAKLAŞIMI", UHAKS 2008, Konya/Türkiye, May. 2008, Sempozyum bildiri kitapı, 1, 1,pp. 110
- Pellumb GJINOLLI, Omar ALAGHA, Ayşe Büşra SENGUL, "Biodiesel production from kichen wasted oil", ÇESKO 2008, Turkey, May. 2008, 1, 1,pp. 41
- İsmail ANIL, Nihan UYGUR, Ferhat KARACA, Omar ALAGHA , "İSTANBUL’DA BAHAR MEVSİMİNDEKİ TRAFİK KAYNAKLI PM2,5 VE PM10 DEĞERLENDİRMESİ", UHAKS 2008, Konya, Apr. 2008, Kongre Bildiri Kitabı, 1, 1,pp. 3
- Ferhat KARACA, Ayşe Betül Oktay, Atakan KURT, Omar ALAGHA, İsmail ANIL, Nihan UYGUR, Zeynep ÖZTÜRK, "KENT HAVA KALİTESİ YÖNETİMİNDE MODELLEME YAKLAŞIMI", UHAKS 2008, Konya, Apr. 2008, Kongre Bildiri Kitabı, 1, 1,pp. 1
- Nihan Uygur, Omar Alagha, Ferhat Karaca, "Büyükçekmece havza alanında yapılan bir çalışma: yağmur asitliğine uzak bölgelerin etkilerinin araştırılması"", ATMOS 2008, İstanbul/Türkiye, Mar. 2008, Bildiri Kitabı, 1, pp. 292-302
- İsmail Anıl, Omar Alagha, Ferhat Karaca, Ferruh Ertürk,, "TRAFİK KAYNAKLI PM2,5 DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ TRAFİK VE METEOROLOJİ PARAMETRELERİNİN ETKİLERİ", ATMOS 2008, İstanbul/Turkiye, Mar. 2008, ATMOS 2008 Bildiri Kitabı, 1, 1,pp. 309-317
- Omar ALGHA, "Air Quality Improvement and Natural Gas Use in Istanbul", INGAS 07, Turkey, Apr. 2007, Proceeding book, İstanbul,
- Ali Demerci, Michael A. Mcadams, Omar ALAGHA, Mehmet KARAKUYU, "Th erelationship between land change use and water quality in Küçükçekmece lake watershed", 4th GIS days in Türkiye, İstanbul-Turkey, Sep. 2006, proceeding book, 1, 1,pp. 1
- Michael A. McAdams, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha,, "Predicting Short Term Vehicular Related Air Pollution for Corridors: ACase Study in Istanbul, Turkey", 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales , Istanbul, Sep. 2005, AQM2005 proceeding book,
- F. Karaca, F. Erturk, O. Alagha, Y. Z. Yilmaz and T. Ozkara, , "Atmospheric PM10 and PM2.5 lead concentrations and temporal variations over asuburban site of Istanb", 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales , Istanbul, Sep. 2005, AQM2005 proceeding book,
- Alexander Nikov, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Atakan Kurt, Hüseyin Hakkoymaz, , "AirPolTool: A web based tool for Istanbul air pollution forecasting and control", 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales , Istanbul, Sep. 2005, AQM2005 proceeding book,
- A. Demirci, M. A. McAdams, O. Alagha and M. Karakuyu, , "analyzing the effects of land use patterns in the Kuçukçekmcece Lake water ", EURECO 2005 , Kuşadasi, Türkıye, Sep. 2005, Conference Proceedings ,
- Michael A. McAdams, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, , "Predicting Short Term Vehicular Related AirPollution for Corridors: ACase Study in Istanbul, Turkey", Turkey, Sep. 2005, Istanbul,
- Bertan BAŞAK and Omar ALAGHA, "Ambient air quality assessment by heavy metals analysis in rainwater over Büyükçekmece lake- Istanbu", 1st Intenational Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, METU, Ankara, , , 1, Ankara, Jun. 2005, 32,
- Omar Alagha and Gurdal Tuncel, "Evaluation of the air quality over the black sea: Trace metals in rainwater", 1st Intenational Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, METU, Ankara, , , 1, Ankara, Jun. 2005, 60,
- Ferhat Karaca , Omar Alagha, "PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF AIR POLLUTION IN ISTANBUL ", ist Intenational Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, Ankara, Jun. 2005, pp. 1
- Ferhat KARACA, Omar ALAGHA, Ferruh ERTÜRK, Halim TAŞKAN, "Aerosol öreneklerinde Ölçülen gross Alfa ve Beta değerlerinin PKEF", 3rd GIS days in Turkey, İstanbul-Turkey, Oct. 2004, Proceedıng of the 3rd GIS days in Turkey, pp. 317
- Bertan BAŞAK, Omar ALAGHA, "Yağmur suyunun kimyasal analizleri ve istatistiklar metodlar yardimile hava kalitesi ve kirlenmesi ", III ATMOSFER Bilimleri sempoziyumu, İstanbul, Mar. 2003, III ATMOSFER Bilimleri sempoziyumu bildiri kitapi,
- Omar ALAGHA and Ferhat Karaca and Bertan BAŞAK, "Statistics and GIS applications to evaluate air pollution over istanbul", EPMR-2002, Nicosia, TRNC, Apr. 2002, International Conference on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region, pp. 177
- Bertan BAŞAK, Omar ALAGHA and Ferhat Karaca, "SOURCE APPORTIONMENT OF SO2 EPISODES OVER ISTANBUL USING BACK TRAJECTORY HYSPLIT MODEL", EPMR-2002, Nicosia, TRNC, Apr. 2002, International Conference on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region,
- Omar EL-AGHA , Gürdal Tuncel and Suat TUSUN, 2nd International Conference on Air Quality Management at Urban,Regional and Global Scale,pp 517-52, Sep. 2001, Air Quality of the Western Black Sea Region: Acidic Species and Rain Metal Composition,
- Tansel Topal, Omar EL-AGHA, and Semra G.Tuncel, , "CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF ÖLÜDENİZ LAGOON-TURKEY BY IC, GF-AAS AND ICP-AES, ", CSI XXXI abstract book, Sout Africa, Jul. 2001, CSI XXXI, pp. P2-5
- Omar EL-AGHA, Gurdal TUNCEL, Semra G. TUNCEL, "Analytical characterization of trace and major ions in rainwater by GF-AAS and ICP, , ,", CSI XXXII, Sout Africa, Jul. 2001, CSI XXXII proceeding book, P10-1,
- El-Agha O., Tuncel G., , "Chemical composition of rainfall over a Black Sea forest region", Book of Abstracts , Antalya, Jun. 2000, 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry , pp. 78
- Omar EL-AGHA, S. G. Tuncel and G. Tuncel, "Long range transport models applied to wet and dry depositions over the western Black Sea region", Eurotrac symposium 2000, BAI-9, Mar. 2000, Book of Abstracts,
- Omar EL-AGHA and G. Tuncel, "Wet and Dry Depositions of pollutants on Western Black Sea Region", Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXI, Sep. 1999, Book of Abstracts,
- Elagha, O., Tosun, S., Tuncel G., " Trace elements and ions composition of rainwater in the western Black Sea forest region", XII. National Chemistry Congress, Edirne, Sep. 1999, Book of Abstracts,
- Alagha, O., Tuncel, G, "Determination of sources affecting chemical composition of Black Sea precipitation. ", XIIIth National Chemistry Congress, Samsun, Sep. 1999, XIIIth National Chemistry Congress proseeding book,
- Omar El-AGHA ve Gurdal Tuncel, "Long range transport of pollutants on the western Black Sea", XIII. National Chemistry Conference,, Samsun, Turkiye, Aug. 1999, pp. 297
- Tuncel, G., Gullu G., Al-Momani I., Kuloglu E., Uzun B., Elagha O., Karakas D., Eler U., Sirin G., , "Regional air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Consequences and source regions. ", XII.National Chemistry Congress, Edirne, Sep. 1998, Book of Abstracts, , pp. 692
- Omar El-AGHA, Inci Gokmen, "Determination of Cadmium in whole blood by GF-AAS and its correlation with smoking", First Mediterranean Basin Conference on analytical Chemistry,P2-41, Antalya/Turkiye, Nov. 1995, Book of Abstracts, 1,
- Omar ALAGHA, Lokman Hakan TECER, Ferhat KARACA, Gürdal TUNCEL and Pınar SÜREN, "PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentration in Zonguldak-coal mining area- Turkey", 14th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean , Sevilla/Spain, Oct. 2007, FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN (FEB), , 159,
- Ferhat Karaca , Omar Alagha, " 1st PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF AIR POLLUTION IN ISTANBUL ", International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion CAPAC, Ankara, Turkey, Jun. 2005,
- Bertan Başak, Omar Alagha, " Büyükçekmece Gölü Üzerindeki Hava Kalitesinin, Yağmur Suyu ve Kuru Çökelme Örneklerinin Kimyasal Analizi ile İzlenmesi", XVI.ULUSAL KIMYA KONGRESI, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey, Sep. 2001,
- Ferhat Karaca, Sami Gِoren and Omar Alagha, edited by: Kevin J. McGinley, "New Bearings in Higher Education", Fatih University Press
- Bertan BAŞAK, Ferhat KARACA, Sevil AKTAN, A. İnci İŞLİ, Omar ALAGHA, "Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual", Fatih University, 2003
Thesis Supervised
MS/MA Thesis/s
- Bertan Başak, "The Evaluation of Air Quality over Büyük Çekmece Lake-Istanbul: Rainwater Pollutants Analysis", Fatih University, Feb. 2003
- İsmail ANIL, "Trafikten kanaklanan hava kirlenmesi incelemesini", Fatih University, Oct. 2007
- Nihan Üygur, "Ardışık yağmur örenkleyici tasarımı ve yağmur kırlenmnesi incelemesi", Fatih University, Dec. 2008
Ph.D. Thesis/s
- Ferhat Karaca, "The Evaluation of Air Quality over Büyük Çekmece Lake-Istanbul: Fine and coarse particle distribution and their metal composition", Fatih University, Jun. 2004
Seminars & Events
- "1st Research Projectct Market", Omar ALAGHA, Fatih University, İstanbul, 12/06/2007-14/06/2007
- "Erasmos program", Omar ALAGHA, Çevre müh, İstanbul, 15/03/2005-15/03/2005
- "Smoke free environment for better life", Omar ALAGHA, Fatih University, İstanbul/Türkiye, 24/11/2004- 24/11/2004
- ENVE 407, Credit:
- AHWA, Arab Health Water Association
- TEMA, Türkiye Erozyonla Mücedele Ağaçlandırma Vakfı
- Air&Waste Managment Association
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