الدكتور أيمن حمتو قاسم محمد قاسم الأغا (أبو سامي)
الدكتور أيمن حمتو قاسم محمد قاسم خليل سليمان خليل إبراهيم محمود عثمان إبراهيم الأغا
البريد الالكتروني
بلد الاقامة
مستشار وكبير الأطباء بمستشفى بوجينهاوسين- ميونخ - طبيب إستشاري
المستوى العلمي
المؤهل العلمي
بلد التخرج
اسم الجامعة
ريغنسبورج الألماني
المعلومات الشخصية
تاريخ الميلاد
1965-2-12م الموافق: الجمعة 11 شوال 1384
7 عاماً 2 شهراً 3 يوماً
مكان الميلاد
فرع العائلة
اسم الزوجة
اسم الاب
إسم الأم
أسماء الأبناء
اسم الابن [1]
اسم الابن [2]
أسماء البنات
اسم البنت [1]
اسم البنت [2]
أسماء الأشقاء والأخوة
اسم الشقيق [ 1 ]
اسم الشقيق [ 2 ]
اسم الشقيق [ 3 ]
أسماء الشقيقات والأخوات
اسم الشقيقة [ 1 ]
اسم الشقيقة [ 2 ]
اسم الشقيقة [ 3 ]

معلومات اضافية

Personal Data

Name:                  Ayman Agha

Date of birth:       12 Februry 1965 in Al  Qarara, Gaza - Palestine

Gender:               Male

Nationality:          Palestinian – German

Marital Status :    Married .

  Spouse  - Huda Agha

Children - Sami (born 1996), Sara (born 1997), Sabrin (born 1999), Yasin (born 2014)


Adress /Home :     Brunnweg 12 Obertraubling 93083 - Regensburg  - Germany


Phone :                +49-9401-525972

Mobile :                +49-173-8642238

Fax  :                   +49-9401-525973


Adress / Hospital : Klinik und Poliklinik für Chirurgie

                              Klinikum der Universität Regensburg

                              Franz- Josef- Strauß-Allee 11

                              Regensburg 93083 – Germany.


Phone :                  +49-941-944-6808


Fax :                      +49-941-944-6860


E. Mail :                 ayman.agha@klinik.uni-regensburg.de



Education / Qualifications


1972-1978             Al Qarara School (Elementary )  Khan Younis , Gaza – Palestine.


1979-  1981           Abdel kader  School  ( Enter Preliminary)  Khan Younis , Gaza –                                         Palestine.


1982 -1984             Nasir  School (Secondary ) Khan Younis , Gaza – Palestine.


1985-1987             Deutsches Abitur (Germany Final School Exam), Bonn University.


1987-1993              Medical School, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany


1997                         Promotion, M.D.,phD, Thesis (“Dr. med.”)

                   “The influence of therapeutic plasmaexchange on chlinical outcome and on   cytokine response in patients with severe necrotizing Pancreatitis and multiorgan failure“.


1998                            Final Medical Examination and Licence to Practise Medicine

                                    “ Approbation”



Licence Datails


Complete address of Licensing Body:


Bayerische Landesärztekammer München


Address :                 Mühlbaurstraße 16

                                81677 München


Tel :                         004989 4147-742


Fax :                        004989 4147-782


E. Mail :                    p.fietzek@blaek.de


Contact person:       Pia Fietzek-Oppitz


Professional status: Oberarzt Dr. med


License/Registration Number:




Registration Date:   01.12.1993





Name: Schlitt Hans Jürgen,

Titel/Position: Prof. Dr. med, Director of Department of Surgery, University hospital of regensburg

Hospital Address: Franz-Josef-Straus Allee 11

93054 Regensburg

Tel/Fax: 00499419446801/00499419446802

E-Mail: hans.schlitt@klinik.uni-regensburg.uni-regensburg.de


Name: Jauch Karl-Walter

Titel/Position: Prof. Dr. med, Director of Department of Surgery, University hospital of munich

Hospital Address: Marchioninistr. 15, München

Tel/Fax: 00498970950/004989709588893

E-Mail: karl-walter.jauch@med.uni-muenchen.de



Name: Rupprecht Holger

Titel/Position: Prof. Dr. med, Director of Department of Surgery, teaching hospital fürth

Hospital address: Jakob-Henle-Strasse 1, Fürth

Tel/Fax: 004991175801201/004991175801893

E-Mail: chirurgie1@klinikum-fuerth.de




Work History


1993                            Postgraduate Training in General Surgery in the

                                    Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany


1995 – 2001               General/ Abdominal Surgery: 

Head Prof. Dr. med. Werner Höhenberger   

Head    Prof. Dr. med. Karl- Walter- Jauch

                                    Head Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen- Schlitt

                                    - Trauma Surgery:     

Head Prof. Dr. med. Michael Nerlich


1998                            Board Certification for Emergency Medicine


2008                            “Habilitation Thesis” („Privatdozent Dr. med. habil.“) associated Prof. of Surgery

„Laparoscopic rectal resection for rectal cancer: surgical and oncological results“)

                                    an the University Hospital of Regensburg


Since 2000                  Head of endocrine and colorectal Surgery, Universitiy

                                    Hospital of Regensburg



Duration of positions


1/2011                         Chief attending (Leitender Oberarzt), university medical center Regensburg


7/2012                         Professor of Surgery


Since 2001                  Consultant („Oberarzt“)

                                    Department of Surgery

                                    (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Hans- Jürgen- Schlitt)

                                    University Hospital of  Regensburg, Germany


2004                            Board Certification for Visceral surgery


8/2000             Board Certification for General Surgery



Brief Description about Regensburg Hospital


The main duties of a University Hospital are patient care, research and teaching. Each of these areas of responsibility requires highly committed members of staff: The university hospital not only provide the patients with the best level of medical care possible at the present time, but contribute to the further development of medicine by internationally acclaimed research and by providing top medical training for doctors and junior scientists. The University Hospital Regensburg has become one of the most modern as well as one of the most efficient hospitals in Germany since its establishment in 1992. Top quality patient care always has been and always will be our main focus.

 Homepage                www.uniklinikum-regensburg.de

Number of Beds :                 1000


Brief Description of Unit :      Number of consultant surgeons: 9

                                             Number of assistent surgeons: 42


Number of Beds (unit) :         150


Case mix :                               8000   


Case mix index :                     2010 (2.9)


Types of patients :                  All fields of surgery (hepatobiliary, transpalantation, minimal

invasive surgical techniques, colorectal surgery, endocrine diseases)



Position :         Leitender Oberarzt (Chief Attending) „university medical center of regensburg“


Title:                Associate Prof. Dr. med.


Work :             Full time


Competencies gained:    Minimal invasive colorectal and endocrine surgery


Teaching of Medical Students of the University of Regensburg Medical School


-Regular Clinical Teaching/Courses for Medical Students.


-Regular Lectures for Medical Students (Colorectal and Endocrine Surgery Inculding Live-Broadcasted Surgery for Students.


-Regular Organisation of Meetings/Congresses.


-Teaching of Surgeons in General and Laparoscopic Surgery.


Administrative Activities


Representation of the head of surgery (in case of absence).


Coordination of operation-rooms.


Scientific Activities


-Regular Organisation of Meetings/Congresses at the University Hospital of Regensburg with live-broadcasted surgery.


-Regular Participation of Surgical Meetings (National and International).


Publications الأبحاث العلمية المنشورة
أخبار متعلقة

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